The approved volunteers for the shoreline excursion to track down any evidence of the kelpie will meet at the Land's End Pub
according to the revised itinerary posted at City Hall, to await the arrival of Admiral Nelson and team from the Seaview.
Hiking gear and portable refreshments are suggested.
Photography allowed, but keep personal questions to a minimum or risk being expelled from the expedition.
American Heiress Joins the Expedition

Sketch artist's rendering of Miss Nelson |
Miss Edith Louise Nelson, the sister of Admiral Harriman Nelson, spoke to reporters shortly after she landed at Inverness
International Airport.
"I'm very happy to be here. Relieved, actually. The flight was so bad, I'm sure I'm not the only passenger who spent most
of time wishing we'd never even taken off.
“I know that flying is the safest way to travel but it can put the fear of God into you. I can't count how many of us
needed to get fresh clothes out of our luggage right after we landed, as food, drink, and in some cases, well, those airsick
bags weren't all that dependable, which had stained our clothes from the roller coaster ride we had for part of our flight.
“I can't praise the flight attendants enough. If they were scared they certainly didn't show it. And they were very
helpful cleaning up everyone's messes the best they could. And of course, kudos to the pilots for bringing us through safely.
“I hope I can be of some help with the kelpie expedition. I'm not really sure what I can do, but when I found out that
the Boston Museum had its own tapestry of a water horse, well, I couldn't resist asking if I might bring it along for the
boys to look at.
“You know, we have our own kinds of lake and river monsters in the states, like the ones believed to be in Lake Champlain.
Perhaps we also have these kelpie creatures too...whatever the case, I think Lee will be interested. I'm not so sure about
Harry. He’s still pretty skeptical about the whole thing.
“In addition to the expedition, I'm looking forward to all those wonderful Scottish Shortbread Cookies you have here."
Reaction to Today's Change of Plans
"Well," Mr. Angus McDonald said, “I just hope the admiral's up to a rugged hike. I guess the captain’s still laid
low from the food poisoning and sure enough I know I’m not up to snuff yet either. But I think I can handle a little
hike, especially as I have a good supply of uisge beath*.
*Gaelic for ‘water of life’ or the original Scottish whiskey, sure to help make for a pleasant outing.
Winter Picnic at Urquhart Castle?
Lt. Cdr. O’Brien, current Officer of the Deck aboard Seaview, has confirmed that there are no plans for the Nelson party
to extend today’s hike to include a visit to the famous Urquhart Castle, though a winter picnic lunch had been discussed
and dismissed.
The first of several planned expedition hikes, today's hike will only extend some five to ten miles in both directions from
'ground zero'', as the commander called Mr. McDonald's sighting spot.
It's conceivable though, that will the arrival of Miss Nelson, a picnic might take place at the old ruin after all, if only
with her sister in law Mrs. Harriman Nelson, and Mrs. Crane.
If Only Stones Could Speak
Sketch of the ancient Urquhart Castle, open to the public, which is probably the only 'reliable' if silent witness,
according to Admiral Nelson, to the creatures of Loch Ness.
