The Captain Buys a MTV!
"You could've felled me with a feather," Reginald Rhinegold,owner of a local used car dealership told us. "I mean, here he
were, the captain, still looking pretty sick by the way, with a friend, was a wanting to rent a multi terrain vehicle or
range rover for traipsing through the brush and rocks around the loch.
"But then he saw the fancy MTV that I bought at a movie auction, real expensive it were but oh it sure interested the captain
and he bought it outright. It’s the MTV that can convert into hovercraft. But, I had to give him a discount as the
hover pillow has some holes in it and that hovercraft pillow thing is worthless. But he seemed to think a little duct tape
and some kind of liquid rubber stuff could fix it ‘close enough for government work’, he joked.
"The friend took me aside and told that the real selling point weren't that it could be a hovercraft, but that it was red!"
We have learned since that the friend with the captain was Lt. Cdr. Jackson, former aide to the captain when he was president.
Miss Nelson at City Hall
Miss Edith Nelson, sister of Admiral Harriman Nelson, stopped by the Inverness City Hall while on her way to Seaview to deliver
the kelpie tapestry on loan from the Boston Museum.
“It’s rather threadbare,” she said, “but it does show a version of a kelpie, though this one is white,
not black like Mr. McDonald’s, and I hope you’ll all enjoy looking at it while it’s on display here. There’s
no indication of any relationship to Mrs. Crane’s late husband Edward Crane, and hence, no relationship to Lee…As
most everyone knows, he’s only their son by adoption. And of course, now to Harry as a Nelson.
“When I first saw the tapestry, I just felt a kind of ‘de je vous’ about it and all this kelpie business
and Lee’s name and well, it just seems like fate…It won’t be of any scientific help, but it is a curiosity
I just had to share with everyone in Inverness.”
The tapestry will be on display, free to the public, between the hours of 10 and 2 every day except Sunday during the expedition.
No flash photography, please, and no food or drink within five metres.
A 'Nightshirt' for Nelson
She's laughing about it now, but Miss Nelson isn't quite sure how her brother, Admiral Nelson, will take it.
"After Mrs. Crane and I left City Hall," Miss Nelson was reported to have said, " we stopped at a cute little tartan shop
where I bought some wonderful hand crafted scarves and sweaters. Also some socks. Well, I bought several items and then
I saw what I thought at first was a nightshirt. Not something many American men wear. I was going to ignore it, but then I
learned it was actually a special shirt with long tails that is worn with a kilt. Why, if Harry had worn something like this,
he wouldn’t have developed a terrible wool burn from it. I’m not sure if he’ll wear his kilt again, but
if he does, well, at least he can protect himself from any scratching, not to mention a stray breeze.”