Richard Olesock is no newcomer to stage and screen. He appeared as Dr. Tightstitch
in the classic 'Twilight Sock' series, and as Bully Instep in 'It Went With the Hook'. He's been approached to appear in that popular TV show 'Little Stitch on the
Prairie', but hasn't made an decision to leave his role aboard the Sockview in order to do it. Negotiations are
underway so he can have both roles simultaneously.
Alan Sockhunter is one of the more popular socks among
the surfer set, a skill written into his character of Riley aboard the Sockview. 'Riley's, like, a really cool cat, dig?" he's known to say when asked if he's getting bored saying 'yes
sir' and 'no sir' all the time.
Greysock Argyle 111, comes from a long line of thespians and is thrilled to have been
placed under contract, in spite of the fact that he was originally meant to play Dr. Scientist Egghead Buddy. "The part of Dr. Scientist Egghead Buddy was something I was really looking
forward to, but the story was pulled. Something about the part not being politically correct. But Agent Catfish, bless
her, continues to give me speaking parts whenever possible. And that's not always easy in these troubled times. She
did say recently that negotiations are underway to return Dr. Scientist Egghead Buddy to the cast of characters for the Sockview's
adventures...I sure hope so, but in the meantime, I'm just happy to be working, even if my character still doesn't have a
name, or rank for that matter. I don't know what I'm supposed to do aboard the Sockview. But then, Irwin Emeritus says nobody
will notice."
Irwin Emeritus Sock, writer, director, and producer of such former productions as 'The
Lost Sock', 'Five Weeks in the Spin Cycle', and 'The Knitting Machine at 500 Fathoms' has come to us as an executive consultant
and supporting cast member for the Sock Puppet Guild, and reports directly to Agent Catfish. "I'm not really a performer, but as a writer, who better? Especially for the small parts that an actor has a difficult
time sinking his stitches into. I also enjoy working behind the sense and offering advice. My advice might not always be appreciated
by the performers or writers, but Agent Catfish knows I'm only trying to help make the productions something that
will be memorable."
Tad, technically not a sock, but rather a crochet kitty, is a most promising newcomer, has been signed for the new
production of 'Sock Footage', still in production.
Tad has been most helpful in between rehearsals on the prowl for vermin in the theatre, though hairballs are a problem. But
don't worry. he cleans up after himself.
Amber is Tad's little sister. A newbie to the guild, she's a quick study and the company's ingenue.

Scrappy is a pal of Tad and has applied to guild. A bit of an 'alley cat' he brings with him some real life experience
that we hope he might apply to future parts.