My Journal- My Story by Harriman Nelson
Page Five
Page Sixteen
Page Fifteen
Page Fourteen
Page Thirteen
Page Twelve
Page Eleven
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Page Three
Page Two

Day 5

Woke up this morning with a tummy ache, prob due to eating more than 3 helpings of the Spaghetti Special Ski brought over late yesterday afternoon. (instead of just one plate of the special, I swear he brought enough over for the entire crew. Well, okay, maybe not that much, but it was just too good to pass up a second helping. Or third. Or fourth.

Or maybe it was the beer. That home brew I bought. But Ski’s fine today, at least he said so on the phone. So I can rest assured it’s not food poisoning.

I tried making beer once. I think I was about 13. Wait, I think I mentioned this before, so I’d better go on to another topic.

Seaview was on the news. No video but the news station played a radio message from one of the rich passengers. Apparently, the Captain altered course and they couldn't argue with him.

Turns out the Captain is a computer!( They never mentioned that in all the hoopla about her being a tour boat.)

 Oh, there are a few trained ‘hands’ that can over- ride it, but I very greatly doubt if any the janitorial staff ever went to submarine school!

The Teamster’s union and the International Maritime Organization certified the marine auto pilot. (Something still be tested by the Navy so how did she get one?) Still, I’m glad Miss Harmon’s cats came down with something. I’d hate to think of her on a boat run entirely by computer!

Computers are the bane of mankind. Oh, when they’re good, they’re very good, but when they’re bad, you might as well get our your manual typewriter from the attic. (At least that’s where mine is.)

As for Seaview’s course, well, according to the map the reporter showed, she’s diverting around a recent minor rock slide, so I guess that computer’s a good enough Skipper.

I can’t help remembering when we had our own Captain Computer. It worked a bit too well, making it the easy target for sabotage. I’m not sure which irritated Lee more, the fact that he could be replaced (theoretically), or the fact that he had to fight for his life against the man who’d sabotaged things and tried to kill him.

But enough of that for now. Ski called and said that Sharkey was on his way back from Diego, with a surprise for me. Ski doesn't have  a clue as to what it is, but he did say that Sharkey wanted to make sure I had some milk on hand.  Don’t tell me it’s a fancy espresso machine for my sister’s favorite latte'. (But of course, you can’t tell me, because this is my journal and he isn’t here yet.)

I’d better pick up the ashtrays again. I find myself smoking even more than I used to. But at least I cleaned the toilet. Ski said the ladies would approve.
