My Journal- My Story by Harriman Nelson
Page Six
Page Sixteen
Page Fifteen
Page Fourteen
Page Thirteen
Page Twelve
Page Eleven
Page Ten
Page Nine
Page Eight
Page Seven
Page Six
Page Five
Page Four
Page Three
Page Two

Day 6

It began  as a pleasant enough day, but a new report on the Seaview had me on edge. ‘Captain Computer’ had altered course yet again out of harm’s way due to even more unstable seamounts.

That made me uneasy since most  of the seamounts in the area were of no great consequence. In fact, I very greatly doubted that a yet another resulting mud/rock slide would cause would cause much damage , except perhaps to the odd crustacean in the wrong place at the wrong time.

While Captain Computer was apparently programmed to avert any potential danger, something was nagging me about it.

In any case, my musings were interrupted by the arrival of Ski and Pat, who knocked on my door cheerily, egg salad sandwiches, and an industrial sized coffee percolator in hand. Insurance, on my part, for my guest’s arrival in a while, of which  I was not looking forward to.

Pat happily prepared the coffee as Ski laid out paper plates, Styrofoam cups, and plastic cutlery.

‘Ah, no sir,” Ski said as I pulled out a wad of cash, “the Chief said this was on the house. He only wishes could be here to give you a little moral support. ”

“Take it,” I demanded, forcing the cash into his hands. “Tip’s included.”

“Gee don’t really have to.”

“I know, lads. Go on, use it for something fun. ”

And so, after being satisfied that the percolator was functioning correctly and the sandwiches safely  secured in the fridge, the boys left and I gave the toilet another last minute scrub.

Even should Agent Catfish and Edith not appreciate the coffee and sandwiches, they won't be able to complain about the toilet.