My Journal- My Story by Harriman Nelson
Page Fifteen
Page Sixteen
Page Fifteen
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Page Thirteen
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Page Eleven
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Page Nine
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Page Three
Page Two

Day 15

Well, it’s the last day of class, and it looks like it’s going to be a very long lesson, an even longer homework assignment, and then there’s the final.

When Lee found out about Doc’s little scheme, first he was appalled, then accepting of the fact that Doc was only ‘trying to help’. Now, however, Lee seems almost amused (if his little outbursts and mutterings of ‘you’re kidding’s, ‘ohmygod’s’ and ‘awwww shucks’ and the glances he’s been casting at me with something akin to adoration, means anything) as he peruses my lesson notes, homework, sketches, and even my journal (from the comfort of my office, EZ Bake cookie in hand), while I’m trying to concentrate on the final lesson. And believe you me, it’s a hard one!(I can just hear the instructor complaining about the length of that sentence!) Good thing she can’t see this section of my journal-remember I had to ‘privatize’ it from prying eyes.)

I was going to tell Lee this morning of a new metal insert that’s going to be inserted into Seaview’s tail fins, so that he can still have his racing stripes. Designed so that with a simple switch from inside the control room, they’d become visible or invisible depending on our mood and mission.  But I think I’ll wait until he’s not so consumed with my ‘life’ as written down all these weeks. Actually it hasn’t been all that long, but it sure felt like it to me.

And so I’ll close for now, and try at least to read my lesson. But I think I’ll join Lee for another cookie first.