My Journal
By Harriman Nelson
“How can anyone not like
Tortellini?” Chip asked sadly, more to himself, as we headed to the Wardroom
for lunch. It was all over the boat now, that Lee had in effect, snubbed his
nose at the fine fare last night.
“Mr. Morton,” Cookie said
as soon
as we sat down. “I know you were looking forward to the Tortellini I had
planned for today, but I really can’t do it justice with what we have in stores. Besides,
the skipper doesn’t like it and that’s what I was trying to do here, make
something he’d be sure to like from this wacky tour of his. But I did figure out something for
lunch that can’t go wrong. Something the skip would like and that honors the
town they’re at, well, for most of the day, that is. Doesn’t include
the car place. C’mon guys, bring out
today’s special!”
The culinary creation was
laid out on the sideboard and Cookie stood by the platters proudly.
“Bologna Sandwiches!" he said,
before you say anything, Admiral, I did some checking, and American Bologna is
based on the Mortadella Sausage of the town. Basically it’s pork with added fat
in it like ours, only theirs has a few little extras and looks a bit different.
Don’t know quite how theirs tastes, but hey, these will do in a pinch...’sides,
I know the skipper likes ‘em. Oh, and you’ll be glad to hear that the car place
the skip’s going to today, well, it has a restaurant, so he won’t go hungry
while he’s playing with the Ferraris and Lamborghinis.”
Playing with cars. Yes, it
was exactly what Lee was doing today. It was difficult not to laugh at my
vision of juvenile Lee with toy cars.
“Mnnn,” Chip mumbled as
bit into his sandwich, “Cookie, this is good. Really good.”
“Thank you, sir!” he
replied and headed back to the tween through with a huge smile on his face.
And we had smiles on our
faces. In fact, Chip downed three sandwiches. I downed four! As for the Mac
&Cheese Cookie told us was on the menu for tonight, well, it might not be Italian, but I was sure it would be
good. How can anything go wrong with homemade pasta.
I had to wonder how Jackson
was doing in his pasta making class, still wishing he’d gone along with Lee to
Maranello, I bet. As for me, I keep crossing my fingers that Lee didn’t take the
wrong bus and got himself lost.
What had I called Italy’s
public transportation? ‘Iffy’? Well, it had been when I’d been there. Perhaps
things had changed. Perhaps I was worried over nothing. Lee certainly knew how
to read maps or a bus schedule. But not in Italian. Oh joy.